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Barbarian Classes

Please Note: This information is currently in flux and may change in the future. Descriptions of feats and skills coming soon. 


Skills are separated into five rankings: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quinary. Depending on their rank, skills will have a different cap. Look for more details on how skill caps apply to classes which will be forthcoming.



Berserkers go literally berserk when they hit the thick of the battle. Dealing deadly blows with stunning speed to anyone near them, they are, indeed, a frightening foe.


Alignment: Any

Races: Dwarf, Human

Armor Type: Any


-Elemental Resistance

-Advanced Healing

-Dragon Roar

-Axe Fighter

-Berserker Rage

-Furious Assault

-Weapon Master

Skills (primary, secondary....)


-Detect Hidden




-Resisting Spells




-Arms Lore














* Berserkers do not have the patience and focus to properly use a bow or crossbow. As a result, they tend to not be very skilled with them (except using them as kindling).

* Berserkers have a magical ineptitude. They cannot cast any spells and cannot use wands or scrolls. 



Dragoons are ferocious warriors feared by all but fools.  fearsome sight, the dragoon is usually a massive figure, striding in heavy armor towards his enemies.


Alignment: Any

Races: Dwarf, Human

Armor Type: Heavy



-Elemental Resistance

-Advanced Healing

-Dragon Roar

-Axe Fighter

-Armor Proficiency

-Power Lunge

-Furious Assault

Skills (primary, secondary....)


-Detect Hidden




-Resisting Spells




-Arms Lofe

















* Dragoons refuse to rely on any weapon that doesn't requite brute force, and that includes bows and crossbows. Unless they invent a bow that can beat a man to death without breaking, Dragoons are better off avoiding ranged weapons.

* Dragoons have a magical ineptitude. They cannot cast any spells and cannot use wands or scrolls.

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