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Mage Classes

Please Note: This information is currently in flux and may change in the future. Descriptions of feats and skills coming soon. 


Skills are separated into five rankings: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quinary. Depending on their rank, skills will have a different cap. Look for more details on how skill caps apply to classes which will be forthcoming.



Aeromancers can shape the calm into a torrent. The Seekers of Secrets. Students of The Path of Air are most interested in learning for its own sake. Curious and persistent, their peers consider them flighty because they shift from one subject of study to the next, apparently leaving things unfinished.


Alignment: Neutral

Races: Drow, Elf, Human

Armor Type: None


Skills (primary, secondary....)







-Taste Identification







-Detect Hidden

-Evaluating Intelligence



-Item Identification



-Resisting Spells

-Alchemy Science

-Arcane Enchantment


-Elemental Resistance


-Rigorous Training

-Meditative Focus





Clumsy, Feeblemind, Magic Arrow, Night Sight, Reactive Armor, Weaken, Agility, Cunning, Harm, Magic Trap, Magic Untrap, Protection, Strength, Fireball, Magic Lock, Poison, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wall of Stone, Arch Protection, Fire Field, Lightning, Mana Drain, Dispel Field, Incognito, Magic Reflection, Mind Blast, Poison Field, Summon Creature, Dispel, Energy Bolt, Explosion, Invisibility, Reveal, Chain Lightning, Flamestrike, Mass Dispel, Meteor Swarm, Polymorph, Earthquake, Summon Air Elemental





Geomancers harness the power of the earth in their spells. nflinching Stability. Those who travel The Path of Earth are constant and dogged in their pursuit. The polar opposite of air, they pursue a task until its completion and are the worst kind of perfectionists.


Alignment: Neutral

Races: Drow, Dwarf, Human

Armor Type: None



Skills (primary, secondary....)







-Taste Identification





-Detect Hidden

-Evaluating Intelligence



-Item Identification



-Resisting Spells

-Alchemy Science

-Arcane Enchantment


-Elemental Resistance


-Rigorous Training

-Meditative Focus




Clumsy, Feeblemind, Magic Arrow, Night Sight, Reactive Armor, Weaken, Agility, Cunning, Harm, Magic Trap, Magic Untrap, Protection, Strength, Fireball, Magic Lock, Poison, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wall of Stone, Arch Protection, Fire Field, Lightning, Mana Drain, Dispel Field, Incognito, Magic Reflection, Mind Blast, Poison Field, Summon Creature, Dispel, Energy Bolt, Explosion, Invisibility, Reveal, Chain Lightning, Flamestrike, Mass Dispel, Meteor Swarm, Polymorph, Earthquake, Summon Earth Elemental





Pyromancers must learn to control their fire or be themselves consumed. The Cleansing Change. Shifting and energetic, these students are powder kegs waiting to detonate. Whatever they undertake, they do so with the utmost enthusiasm, devoting all of their strength.


Alignment: Neutral

Races: Drow, Human

Armor Type: None



Skills (primary, secondary....)







-Taste Identification





-Detect Hidden

-Evaluating Intelligence



-Item Identification



-Resisting Spells

-Alchemy Science

-Arcane Enchantment


-Elemental Resistance


-Rigorous Training

-Meditative Focus




Clumsy, Feeblemind, Magic Arrow, Night Sight, Reactive Armor, Weaken, Agility, Cunning, Harm, Magic Trap, Magic Untrap, Protection, Strength, Fireball, Magic Lock, Poison, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wall of Stone, Arch Protection, Fire Field, Lightning, Mana Drain, Dispel Field, Incognito, Magic Reflection, Mind Blast, Poison Field, Summon Creature, Dispel, Energy Bolt, Explosion, Invisibility, Reveal, Chain Lightning, Flamestrike, Mass Dispel, Meteor Swarm, Polymorph, Earthquake, Summon Fire Elemental





Aquamancers carefully mind the balance or order and chaos in their art. The Source of all life. Serene is the keyword that describes those of The Path of Water. They seek the deeper wisdom of the world and take the time to learn them. They are nurturing and care for the safety of others, although they are not strange to duplicity, always hiding something beneath the surface.


Alignment: Neutral

Races: Elf, Human

Armor Type: None



Skills (primary, secondary....)







-Taste Identification





-Detect Hidden

-Evaluating Intelligence



-Item Identification



-Resisting Spells

-Alchemy Science

-Arcane Enchantment


-Elemental Resistance


-Rigorous Training

-Meditative Focus




Clumsy, Feeblemind, Magic Arrow, Night Sight, Reactive Armor, Weaken, Agility, Cunning, Harm, Magic Trap, Magic Untrap, Protection, Strength, Fireball, Magic Lock, Poison, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wall of Stone, Arch Protection, Fire Field, Lightning, Mana Drain, Dispel Field, Incognito, Magic Reflection, Mind Blast, Poison Field, Summon Creature, Dispel, Energy Bolt, Explosion, Invisibility, Reveal, Chain Lightning, Flamestrike, Mass Dispel, Meteor Swarm, Polymorph, Earthquake, Summon Water Elemental





Necromancers walk a fine line between life and death. Restoring a semblance of life to the discarded husks of flesh and bone, the Necromancer doesn't walk the fine line between life and death so much as rape and manipulate it. They depend on a deep knowledge of anatomy and the dark powers to fuel their creations.


Alignment: Evil

Races: Drow, Human

Armor Type: None



Skills (primary, secondary....)







-Taste Identification





-Detect Hidden

-Evaluating Intelligence



-Item Identification




-Resisting Spells

-Spirit Speak


-Alchemy Science

-Arcane Enchantment


-Rebuke Undead

-Summon Undead

-Advanced Necromancy

-Undead Bond




Clumsy, Feeblemind, Magic Arrow, Night Sight, Reactive Armor, Weaken, Agility, Cunning, Harm, Magic Trap, Magic Untrap, Protection, Strength, Fireball, Magic Lock, Poison, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wall of Stone, Arch Protection, Fire Field, Lightning, Mana Drain, Dispel Field, Incognito, Magic Reflection, Mind Blast, Poison Field, Summon Creature, Dispel, Energy Bolt, Explosion, Invisibility, Reveal, Chain Lightning, Flamestrike, Mass Dispel, Meteor Swarm, Polymorph, Earthquake, Animate Dead, Blood Oath, Corpse Skin, Curse Weapon, Evil Omen, Horrific Beast, Lich Form, Mind rot, Pain Spike, Poison Strike, Strangle, Summon Familiar, Vampiric Embrace, Vengeful Spirit, Wither, Wraith Form


* Necromancers have no need for armor that only serves to disturb their grasp on undeath, and as a result, they wear no armor at all.

* Necromancers can only use staves and daggers. When one can summon the forces of the dead, one refuses to waste time with trifling mortal tools.

* Good deeds do not befit masters of death, and Necromancers cannot gain Notoriety/Karma.



Cryomancers use the power of frost to manipulate the world.


Alignment: Neutral, Evil

Races: Drow, Human

Armor Type: None



Skills (primary, secondary....)







-Taste Identification





-Detect Hidden

-Evaluating Intelligence



-Item Identification



-Resisting Spells

-Alchemy Science

-Arcane Enchantment


-Elemental Resistance


-Rigorous Training

-Meditative Focus




Clumsy, Feeblemind, Magic Arrow, Night Sight, Reactive Armor, Weaken, Agility, Cunning, Harm, Magic Trap, Magic Untrap, Protection, Strength, Fireball, Magic Lock, Poison, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wall of Stone, Arch Protection, Fire Field, Lightning, Mana Drain, Dispel Field, Incognito, Magic Reflection, Mind Blast, Poison Field, Summon Creature, Dispel, Energy Bolt, Explosion, Invisibility, Reveal, Chain Lightning, Flamestrike, Mass Dispel, Meteor Swarm, Polymorph, Earthquake, Summon Water Elemental



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